Keeping your loan rates competitive can be challenging. You often need to scour multiple websites, gather financial information, and compare your rates against the competition. CU Station™ simplifies this process and helps you understand how your credit union measures up.
CU Station™ offers more than just basic information. From the moment you use it, you’ll find a well-organized presentation of credit union data. The Health Score is a crucial feature that ranks each credit union based on various factors, including size and location. With CU Station™, you can compare multiple credit unions based on metrics like Health Score, number of members, asset size, loan ratios, and more.
You’ll also see current loan rates for competitors, helping you determine if any adjustments are needed. Overall, CU Station™ provides valuable insights into how your credit union ranks locally and nationwide and how you can enhance membership, assets, and satisfaction.
Are you curious about how your credit union stacks up? Register with CU Station™ today and gain the insights you need to stay ahead of the competition. Click here to get started: Credit Union sign-up!
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